Thursday, July 26, 2007

Questions on Afghanistan

No one will dispute the current conflicts in Afghanistan is a perplexing situation.

To offer realistic solutions to the problem, we need to look back history and prepare to discuss and answer basic questions such as ones purposed here.

Is this a war primary on political and religious ideology? Or is this a war on controlling key economic interests in the region?

Why do Western countries such as Canada, NATO, and the United States want to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan?

Is the main purpose of current war in Afghanistan to promote Western-style democracy in a war-torn, impecunious Muslim nation that has not had an opportunity to enjoy freedom and the benefits of market-based economy?

Is this war about the political and religious differences between the Islamic fundamentalists and the West?

What can we learn from Soviet’s lost war in Afghanistan during the 1980s?

Can NATO and US afford to withdraw from Afghanistan? What are the consequences of withdrawing? Can this war ever be won by the West?

For an average citizen in Canada, why does he or she have to care about this war?

This is just the beginning....

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